Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasms

With the 2010 changes involving hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms, I was searching the internet looking for some recommendation on a good book for understanding the complexity of these disorders.
I happened to read a cancer registry newsletter covering the subject and this book came highly recommended.

From PDQ Hematology is a concise and focused introduction to clinical hematology. It succinctly covers the most important aspects of the field with an emphasis on clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment. PDQ Hematology thoroughly examines those conditions frequently encountered by physicians and includes general principles for more unusual or complicated diseases. The text also incorporates a discussion of malignant lymphomas as well as the usual clinical hematology topics (such as anemia and leukemia). The extensive use of tables and diagrams make this portable book an accessible and practical companion.

You can preview this reference online at:

Another site I found that is very helpful for any type of cancer including Hematopoietic:

" PDQ (Physician Data Query) is NCI's comprehensive cancer database. It contains summaries on a wide range of cancer topics; a registry of 8000+ open and 19,000+ closed cancer clinical trials from around the world; and a directory of professionals who provide genetics services. PDQ also contains the NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms, with definitions for 6000+ cancer and medical terms, and the NCI Drug Dictionary, which has information on 1200+ agents used in the treatment of cancer or cancer-related conditions."

And of course, the educational modules for understanding the reporting of Hematopoietic & Lymphoid Neoplasms can be found at:

Here is a printed list of the hematopoietic coding changes for 2010:

Flash cards that review hematology (leukemia starts at card 77)

And for those of us with questions about the changes for the 2010 data:

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