Tuesday, July 6, 2010

COMING SOON: The AJCC e-Staging Tool

From the CoC website:

The AJCC e-Staging Tool provides cancer registrars with an easy-to-use staging form and calculator.

From Springer and the American Joint Committee on Cancer:


Contains all 57 Staging Forms for staging primary sites from the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 7th Edition

An elegant, simple user interface

Captures clinical and/or pathologic stage at any point in the patient workup

Includes an interactive introduction to the principles and practice of cancer staging

Available for three concurrent users at your facility, at one low subscription price


Provides an easy-to-use workflow interface for cancer staging

The quickest, most accessible method for compliance with Commission on Cancer requirements for cancer staging

Staging forms can be shared among members of the patient management team and saved in tandem with electronic and print patient records

Generates HL7 code that can be saved to the user's computer and imported directly into an Electronic Health Records system


The AJCC e-Staging Tool will be available in an individual version that can support three concurrent users, for the low cost of $49.95.

Launch Date

Keep checking the http://www.cancerstaging.net/ for more information about the launch date of the AJCC e-Staging Tool, as well as information on how to subscribe!

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